I'm in the mood for signing up to stuff these days, so just to let you know that I signed up for a blog camp chez julochka. She had this crazy idea on her blog about having a bunch of her bloggy friends over in Copenhagen, in her little writing atelier, where everyone would just lounge around, drink tea or latte, or wine, and blog and have fun.
Spending a weekend with strangers in a foreign country is not something I do on a regular basis, or feel very comfortable with. Except that I have a feeling I know some of these people, at least a bit, because I read their blogs and enjoy them very much. In fact, I spend more time visiting their blogs than visiting real-life friends, lately.
And I've never been to Copenhagen! If it's anything like Stockholm (and Ruslan says there are similarities) then I will like it a lot. I want to insert a coin, rent a bike and cycle around, in the "when in Rome, do as the Romans do" style. I hope it won't rain in September, although I'm sure Julochka will kick us out of her cosy atelier and onto the streets of Copenhagen for a photo session not matter what the weather conditions. She just seems like that kind of person.
I still think it's a crazy idea but off I go to search for cheap flights...
a few of my favorite things
3 hours ago
You are really on a roll,
first Twitter, then Copenhagen! :-)
I wish you a lot of fun with both enterprises and hope to read all about right here.
Thanks, Merisi! I am sure Copenhagen will be a much more exciting and fun enterprise :)
we can stay in if it rains, no problem. :-) tho' as the danes say, there's no bad weather, only being dressed wrongly for the weather.
oddly, it sounds more elegant in danish. :-)
but we know how to have fun when it's raining and september is the most reliable month! :-)
the danes are wise, so i will bring an umbrella. better yet, i could buy it in Copenhagen, to complete the experience.
what a shame you won't be coming to the June camp!
I totally envy you! IF/WHEN I will the lottery, I will ask to be included ;-)
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